Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Dia 4 y un paseo por la Noche de Barcelona

Rode on the metro by myself today and I can say it was easier than I thought. After class I went grocery shopping with my roommate Michelle, we went to a little grocery store around the corner of our apartment. We nicknamed it the WalMart because it is blue and white. One thing I forgot to mention was that I have a bar called Dry Martini right under my apartment and an ice cream store right next door.  It is a really high class looking bar, just thought I would let you know. We went out tonight to a local bar called Dow Jones where  the drink prices are determined by the number of people in the bar, pretty much more people higher prices, less people lower prices. Every so often the price goes up or down. The bartender hooked it up with free shots for me and my roommare Casey because she asked me if I was Mexican and I said yes and she all right free shot.  Then we went to the beach area where some clubs where at, the nightlife in Barcelona is very exciting and crazy at the same time. oh and lost my phone in the taxi, probably well never see that phone again :( :(

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